Conn & King Sousaphone & Tuba, 5/16 Bell Screw, Brass Lacquer or Silver-Plate

Regular price $19.99

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OEM, not aftermarket. Conn & King, 5/16-24 thread, 5/32 bottom shoulder, lacquer or silver-plate bell screw.  Contact us if you have questions on your model's fit.  See my item ID# 16376 and 16377 for a slightly different aftermarket bell screw.


14K Conn Sousaphone 
2370 King Sousaphone 
2341 King Tuba 
2360 King Sousaphone 
36K Conn Sousaphone 
2341 (Old Detachable Bell Version) King Tuba 
B1111 King Sousaphone 
1529 King Sousaphone 
2350 Body Lacquer King Sousaphone